You’re Invited

I have spent a lot of time over the years with certain verses. They speak to me more than others. They also provided wisdom in difficult situations when I was pastoring. One such verse is Luke 23:42-43. Much can be said of the verse, but I don’t want to get sidetracked here but so let me try to narrow it down to this point: it has been a great comfort to me and others over the years. Why? Because it is such a powerful and simple illustration of the rich mercy of God.

As I have been cautioned and have cautioned people against over the years, we can only work with what the text says. That is, we must avoid reading into the text things that are not there or may not be there. All we know about this thief is he asks Jesus to remember him. The thief doesn’t even call Jesus lord or Lord, simply Jesus.

Through this past decade, I have ruminated on this verse, worrying at it like a tongue continually pushes against a sore tooth as I wondered at the mercy of God. The thief doesn’t follow any of the formulas for faith: a convicted criminal, sentenced to death, simply asks Jesus to remember him in the kingdom and Jesus responds with the assurance that he will not only remember the thief but bring him into paradise.

What do you do with that?

Find comfort in it. And comfort others. I turned to this story more than any others when I would be in a living room or hospital room with loved ones and someone dear to them had just died. They didn’t know if that person had faith and feared the worst and the question would be raised, “Do you think he/she is in heaven?”

I would always answer honestly: “Our God is very merciful. There is a story of a thief, convicted to death, and as he was dying he asked Jesus to remember him and Jesus promised him paradise.” That answer never failed to bring peace to the afflicted.

I was watching Alistair Begg this morning and this video popped up so I watched it because the title caught my eye and it was short. I won’t lie: it made me cry. I hope it brings you such comfort.