Hope Springs Eternal

I’m still on the waiting list for his book but Andrew Yang, after leaving the DNC, has formed a new political party. The party promises to endorse candidates from either party which support its agenda. They will do this because part of the agenda is to end the partisan gridlock in DC.

Someone recognizing that maybe…just maybe…possibly…(secretly) that…some of the time… the opposite party isn’t wrong?

Color me hopeful.

It’s almost as if Andrew Yang is a (Reformed) Christian who realizes that politics are not black and white because the political platform of a politician isn’t the inspired word of God, since our citizenship is…you know…in heaven.

(If you clicked those links, you may experience an existential crisis. I know the media will have you believe, and you may also believe, that a certain party’s platform is the Kingdom of Heaven…but it isn’t.)

Maybe, you don’t know what to do! But, I don’t know what to do.


Hope springs eternal.

P.S. Grace and Tolerance is part of his platform. Grace. Grace! I can’t recall seeing that on the DNC or RNC platform. As a reminder…the RNC decided to not have a platform at the last election but rather to endorse the Great Leader.

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